Single Female in Philippines, , Singles binnen Cebu, Cebu City Female

Baby_Jyn: hello...
Op zoek naar: Mannetje Leeftijd 30 naar 80
Status: 35 Single Recht Vrouw
Interesse in: Langetermijnrelatie
Afkomst: Aziatisch
Living: Samenwonen met ouders
Blikvanger: Ogen
Hoogte: 5'1 inches
Lichaam: Boven gemiddeld
Haar ogen: Zwart, Bruin
Rook: Onlangs gestopt
Drinken: Af en toe
Oefening 2 keer per week
Politiek: Geen
Onderwijs: Bachelor diploma
Religie: Geen voorkeur
Inkomen: Minder dan $15.000
Bezetting: Did Not Say
Nakomelingen: Geen
Persoonlijkheid: Avontuurlijk
Land: Philippines

Hello, my name is JYN
Hi there

Im a cute 3rd year nursing student in Cebu. Im very friendly, easy going and open minded.
Guys saythat Im pretty and HOT. I have a slim but very shapely body. Well I hope you will come and find out for yourself hehehe.

Im kind hearted, honest and reliable and wil never let you down if you win my heart.

I spend my time usually on reading, chatting and playing guitar..
i love beaches, iIlove water!!! But cant yet swim!! Maybe you can teach me????

As of now i am studying in University of San Carlos here in Cebu for a career in nursing.
Though I can also have fun times so sometimes you will see me at the Mango bars here in Cebu.

I Love dancing and singing..