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Understanding is the success rlnshp
hi am ann, i live in phil.. im 28yrs old, i am easy going.
i have a go...
36 / F / ormoc city Leyte
looking love of my life
Joyashley Lucero
i am a woman of good character, loyal, thoughtful, considerate and i know...
61 / F / ormoc city Leyte
im widowed sinced 2009..i have 1 son whom i raised alone he is 15yrs old th...
45 / F / Ormoc City Leyte
i am princess rhea canonoy cortes, 18 yo, taking bachelor of science in i...
29 / F / Ormoc City Leyte
❤Looking For My Real Partner In My
❤❤ being gay is not crime and it is not a sin. stop using god to justify yo...
31 / F / Ormoc City Leyte
Be Optimistic
i am mary ann soria villos running 19 this may im a college student taking ...
24 / F / Ormoc City Leyte
my story of my life is like a fairy tale. i'll tell you later....
59 / F / Ormoc City Leyte
Do you believe in Magic😃
simply me 😊😊and iam a girl that you can trust for.iam very kind ,helping ...
45 / F / Ormoc city Leyte