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Hi, I hope your day is good.
just ask please. i am not too good at this part. it kind of depends on what...
53 / F / Lincoln Nebraska
Looking for my Joker
looking for that special someone...
46 / F / Lincoln Nebraska
True Love grows with time
love is such a beautiful thing that no one can ever deny no matter how it’s...
41 / F / Lincoln Nebraska
Am sociable and ready for love
i want real love , am romantic i want romantic and nuaghty man
man lov...
28 / F / lincoln Nebraska
care and love
i am a bright, kind girl with a strong heart. i am tired of endless search...
40 / F / Lincoln Nebraska
I am single searching for a god ma
i am here to see if i am gonna be lucky to meet the perfect man for me and ...
38 / F / Lincoln Nebraska