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am looking for love partner
in a word, i am the one you are looking for, if you are here for love and...
35 / F / new york c New York
looking for love and caring person
i will tell you later, i will tell you later, i will tell you later, i will...
32 / F / New York C New York
Available in meeting for a Gloryhol
i'm looking for a man who can try the gloryhole with me and have more fun a...
27 / F / New York C New York
let build happiness
i am an honest, loyal, and loving woman. i am stable and secure, and i v...
47 / F / New York C New York
love is good
i have important thing to tell you, i have important thing to tell you, i h...
34 / F / New York C New York
love and care
i am a very good and lovely girl...
26 / F / new york c New York
Friends first
am very loving, caring and understanding, love to laugh a lot and enjoy goo...
39 / F / New York C New York
Looking for my soul mate
am very loving, caring and understanding, l like to laugh a lot and enjoy g...
39 / F / New York C New York
i am an ordinary singleminded woman who lives in the present and never look...
39 / F / New York c New York
happy love
happy love to you happy love to you happy love to you happy love to you hap...
35 / F / new york c New York