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Welkom bij, de snelste en enige echte Free Online Dating-bestemming waar je kunt ontmoeten christian single men in Planovoor absoluut gratis. is echt de enige bestemming op internet voor christian single mendat u zoekt. Geen enkele andere plaats biedt wat wij u aanbieden zonder kosten voor u. Doe mee met vandaag !!
looking for other half
this is my fist time of trying this online dating i hope i am lucky....
55 / M / plano Texas
like i do care
god’s gift to us is potential what we do with it is our gift back to him”. ...
50 / M / plano Texas
Do we have something in common ??
attached mature guy in ndallasplano area. seeking long term partner. will...
70 / M / Plano Texas
Im ready if youre
my personality cannot be summed up in such a small section. i enjoy so many...
61 / M / Plano Texas
I am an easygoing person , caring
i'm no saint by any means but it is important to me. i love children, i'm c...
72 / M / Plano Texas
Im a good, kind, considerate man.
i am honest, dependable, loving, gentle, affectionate and have a good f...
54 / M / plano Texas
Im usually a man with many dreams.
i am very understanding, open minded with a heart of forgiving, loving and...
66 / M / plano Texas
old wine has the better taste
i'm a gentle man, passionate, loyal, sincere, caring, and romantic. i ...
74 / M / plano Texas
how are you doing. nice to meet you....
92 / M / Plano Texas
Hello there sunshine!
i'm a classy funny guy, generous, a single father, a construction worker an...
53 / M / Plano Texas
Super charming and funny
well i have a healthy sense of humor, that's for sure.
one time i got ...
46 / M / Plano Texas