Single Male in United States, , Singles binnen Florida, Orlando Male

Lovepot: seeking for true love...
Op zoek naar: Vrouw Leeftijd 46 naar 65
Status: 69 Single Recht Mannetje
Interesse in: Langetermijnrelatie
Afkomst: Blank
Living: Geen antwoord
Blikvanger: Arms
Hoogte: 5'10 inches
Lichaam: Sportief en gespierd
Haar ogen: Bruin, Blauw
Rook: Echt niet
Drinken: Af en toe
Oefening Meer dan 4 keer per week
Politiek: Geen antwoord
Onderwijs: Een middelbare school
Religie: Christelijk
Inkomen: $15.001 tot $25.000
Bezetting: Doctor
Nakomelingen: 1 kind
Persoonlijkheid: Geen antwoord
Land: United States

Hello, Im David, I am searching for that special lady

whom I can totally devote myself to for the rest of my

life! Im tactile and love holding hands.I would love

to find someone who is young at heart like myself, and

who doesnt mind having a laugh! If you have children,

dont worry that I can hold my own in almost any

intellectual conversation because of my wide ranging

interests.... Prehistory, Bronze Iron Ages, Ancient

Egypt and from Roman times to the present day.

Astronomy, Cosmology..... or anything else you can

think of I love ART; whether it be drawing, or

creating art in Photoshop creating montages etc. I

love walking, especially hiking and even camping the

odd few day in summer, so it would be nice to meet

someone who likes the fresh air and walking be it

along a river bank or somewhere different.