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Hello 👋
be happy for the opportunity of life given to you...
59 / M / Montgomery Alabama
Am harris
am a formal military personnel, now alone, divorced with beautiful kid, ...
48 / M / montgomery Alabama
Hello am here looking for a serious
am not working for a good man for me that we be with me every day and every...
20 / M / Montgomery Alabama
Hi everyone.
i want to get married now...
53 / M / Montgomery Alabama
I'm good and a little bit shitty
god has been good i'll love to get a good woman to love me and care fore w...
38 / M / Montgomery Alabama
I'm a single guy looking for a soul
don't talk much but a man of integrity ...
40 / M / Montgomery Alabama
In god i trust
i want a man full of love, respect and will never think of chelating on you...
19 / M / Montgomery Alabama