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In search of my missing piece
i'm a single, honest, hardworking, interesting and earthy young lady. i ...
40 / F / Whittier California
On a quest for true romance
im a young sexy devoted hardworking and god fearing lady im new to onlin...
40 / F / Whittier California
i feel like i have a pretty good personality, i can be goofy and serious, w...
50 / F / Whittier California
Looking for love
i am a calm but cheerful and good humored lady i am ready to help anybody w...
44 / F / Whittier California
New here to meet awesome people
long story im karlee...
39 / F / Whittier California
how are you doing. nice to meet you....
48 / F / Whittier California
i am mei hikecamping
i am me just send me text...
29 / F / whittier California