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Hello there nice meeting everyone
i am a very kind romantic and creative girl i lead an active lifestyle bec...
40 / F / Denton Texas
I am new here seeking for man
i am looking for a serious and god fearing man to start a relationship with...
36 / F / Denton Texas
i am here for a serious relaionship
i was in a relationship then got heart broken and i am willing to give it a...
36 / F / denton Texas
i am new here seeking serious man
..i am looking for a serious and god fearing man to start a relationship wi...
36 / F / denton Texas
Hi 👋
i am new on here and hoping to meet someone who is real ...
37 / F / Denton Texas
looking for a serious relationship
am alicia
35 single mother of one
my son his 6yrs old
lost h...
40 / F / Denton Texas