Single Male in Australia, , Singles binnen Queensland, Yeppoon Male

Allways85: palyfull and affectionate man...
Op zoek naar: Vrouw Leeftijd 35 naar 50
Status: 60 Gescheiden Recht Mannetje
Interesse in: Geen antwoord
Afkomst: Blank
Living: Leef alleen
Blikvanger: Ogen
Hoogte: 6'0 inches
Lichaam: Sportief en gespierd
Haar ogen: Mohawk, Blauw
Rook: Echt niet
Drinken: Af en toe
Oefening 4 keer per week
Politiek: Conservatief
Onderwijs: Bachelor diploma
Religie: Christelijk
Inkomen: $85,001 tot $150.000
Bezetting: Construction Managem
Nakomelingen: Kinderen niet thuis
Persoonlijkheid: Avontuurlijk
Land: Australia

Moved around a lot due to work both in and out of the country but have set down roots for now.My career keeps me extremely busy and constantly on the go with very little free time during the week. I have only recently based myself here in Central Queensland so dont know anyone outside of work as yet. Do sneak back to Sunny Coast and Brisbane often to visit friends and family. I dont frequent pubs or clubs without a reason as I only drink in company or at parties. That basically means my chances of meeting someone are reduced somewhat unless it is in the gym or shopping centre. So thought I would try on here. Prefer to meet and start as friends and see where that goes as a little gun shy and like to take things slow.