Single Male in United States, , Singles binnen Texas, Los Angeles Male

Halvinrodrick123: good mornning...
Op zoek naar: Vrouw Leeftijd 50 naar 61
Status: 66 Geen antwoord Geen antwoord Mannetje
Interesse in: Langetermijnrelatie
Afkomst: Blank
Living: Leef met mijn kinderen
Blikvanger: Arms
Hoogte: 5'5 inches
Lichaam: Boven gemiddeld
Haar ogen: Afro, Zwart
Rook: Echt niet
Drinken: Raak het nooit aan
Oefening Geen antwoord
Politiek: Geen antwoord
Onderwijs: Geen antwoord
Religie: Geen antwoord
Inkomen: Minder dan $15.000
Bezetting: A Doctor
Nakomelingen: 1 kind
Persoonlijkheid: Geen antwoord
Land: United States

In all of these permutations the basic plot has been the same as it is in The Matchmaker In Wilders version an irascible pennypinching store owner Horace Vandergelder refuses to let his niece marry the poor artist she loves although he himself plans to remarry Dolly Levi the matchmaker of the title pretends that she is helping Vandergelder find a suitable bride but she actually schemes to marry him herself and she works to help the young lovers gain his approval Vandergelders beleaguered clerk who is longing for excitement also meets the woman of his dreams although she happens to be the one Vandergelder intends to marry In the end everyone is happy and just a little smarter