my name is husam i love my family with my friends but i do not like those who are envy another always ask ALLAH to give you the desires of your heart he is faithful and knows your heart cry be aware t

Husamalsayedi: i need honesty cincerity respectful...
Op zoek naar: Vrouw Leeftijd 18 naar 30
Status: 63 Gescheiden homoseksueel Mannetje
Interesse in: Langetermijnrelatie
Afkomst: Indiaan
Living: Leef alleen
Blikvanger: Hands
Hoogte: 5'0 inches
Lichaam: Gemiddelde
Haar ogen: Zwart, Bruin
Rook: Echt niet
Drinken: Raak het nooit aan
Oefening Soms
Politiek: Geen
Onderwijs: No Answer
Religie: moslim
Inkomen: $45,001 tot $65,000
Bezetting: Banking Financial
Nakomelingen: 2 kinderen
Persoonlijkheid: Avontuurlijk
Land: United Kingdom

my name is husam i love my family with my friends but i do not like those who are envy another always ask ALLAH to give you the desires of your heart he is faithful and knows your heart cry be aware that someones progress cannot block yours, no one has the impetus or audacity to question or recommend you to ALLAH no one has the power to tarnish your image befor ALLAH ALLAH is not unighteous to forget your love work labour and faithfulness, he hears prayers rewards a bundanthy and never misplaces crowns and blessing trust him enough to cast your entire burden upon him for he cares for you

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