I have travelled extensively. Born in the British Colony of Hong Kong to an English Father and Scotish Mother and had a very stable upbringing. I am very versitile, love Nature in all its moods. I am

Ianzaman: happy, healthy but lonely...
Op zoek naar: Vrouw Leeftijd 45 naar 65
Status: 84 Geen antwoord Recht Mannetje
Interesse in: Huwelijk
Afkomst: Blank
Living: Leef alleen
Blikvanger: Geen antwoord
Hoogte: 5'6 inches
Lichaam: Sportief en gespierd
Haar ogen: blond, Gemengde kleur
Rook: Echt niet
Drinken: Af en toe
Oefening 4 keer per week
Politiek: Conservatief
Onderwijs: Bachelor diploma
Religie: spiritueel maar niet religieus
Inkomen: $15.001 tot $25.000
Bezetting: Medical Herbalist
Nakomelingen: Kinderen niet thuis
Persoonlijkheid: Geen antwoord
Land: Australia

I have travelled extensively. Born in the British Colony of Hong Kong to an English Father and Scotish Mother and had a very stable upbringing. I am very versitile, love Nature in all its moods. I am not Religious, I am Spiritual and my Family Tree goes back beyond, but includes the Inca Empire. I am very active and have learnt to be domestically oriented and a good cook. I can be quiet, but never moody. I am a jp and have been for 30 years. I am very passionate, attentive and loving and I do everything the best I can. I do not demand anything except peace and I do not want anything except happiness. I respect everyones right to their opinion so long as they accept the fact that I may not always agree. I am easy going and easy to live with. I am retired, but on occasions still see patients in my clinicdispensary at home.

Camping  Crui  Fishing  Fresh Air  Nature