Single Female in United States, , Singles binnen Florida, Tampa Female

Linleighmk: puff puff and pass...
Op zoek naar: Mannetje Leeftijd 18 naar 35
Status: 30 Single Recht Vrouw
Interesse in: Vriendschap
Afkomst: Latino/Hispanic
Living: Leef met huisgenoten
Blikvanger: Ogen
Hoogte: 5'3 inches
Lichaam: Gemiddelde
Haar ogen: Zwart, Zwart
Rook: Ja, ik rook
Drinken: Af en toe
Oefening 4 keer per week
Politiek: Conservatief
Onderwijs: Sommige universiteit
Religie: Geen voorkeur
Inkomen: $25,001 tot $45,000
Bezetting: Freelance Model
Nakomelingen: 2 kinderen
Persoonlijkheid: Amazing
Land: United States

I don’t know if the world is going to run forever, but I know I’m not going to be around forever!
I don’t know if I will finally meet you to warm my heart and join for a better, happier journey, but I know I can’t stop looking for you, and can’t stop calling you in my heart…
I also don’t know what life holds for me tomorrow, but I do know that we can only get older and I feel safer to get old with you. Someone to remember the days with, and to grow with.
All profiles repeat the same. Everyone is crying out to say how good they are, how cool they are, how fun they are. But how real are you, and how content are you with your real you? I’m tired of the lies, of the fakes…I want someone real! I want my “best friend”, I think this says it all!
Maybe it’s about the right time, right place, right person… can online dating be any good? We’ll see