Single Male in United States, , Singles binnen Georgia, cape town Male

Madeinmyhrt: searching for my heart of heart...
Op zoek naar: Vrouw Leeftijd 44 naar 66
Status: 57 Geen antwoord Recht Mannetje
Interesse in: Geen antwoord
Afkomst: Aziatisch
Living: Leef alleen
Blikvanger: Geen antwoord
Hoogte: 5'11 inches
Lichaam: broodmager
Haar ogen: Zwart, Anders
Rook: Echt niet
Drinken: Af en toe
Oefening 4 keer per week
Politiek: Liberaal
Onderwijs: Geen antwoord
Religie: Christelijk
Inkomen: $85,001 tot $150.000
Bezetting: Civil Engineer
Nakomelingen: 1 kind
Persoonlijkheid: Geen antwoord
Land: United States

I am a bit on the marginal side with my own different idealistic and romantic views and beliefs about life. My soul sees the world the way it should be equal fair so it makes it hard to keep faith in better days. I believe in love, peace, harmony, tolerance, kindness, humility, understanding, fairness, justice, equality for all mankind and i hope that i will witness that again with a very nice friendship, which is the reason why i contacted you. My eyes are open and sometimes they dont always like what they see. I am an observer, philosopher, dreamer, lover whose heart is broken on a daily basis by all the worries, struggle, violence, corruption, greed, hostility, hate, injustices, destruction, indifference of most women i have met.