Single Female in Philippines, , Singles binnen Cavite, Imus Female

Mary Mariano: catch me if you can...
Op zoek naar: Mannetje Leeftijd 18 naar 18
Status: 73 Single Recht Vrouw
Interesse in: Huwelijk
Afkomst: Aziatisch
Living: Leef met mijn kinderen
Blikvanger: Lips
Hoogte: 5'0 inches
Lichaam: Gemiddelde
Haar ogen: Zwart, Bruin
Rook: Af en toe rookt
Drinken: Raak het nooit aan
Oefening Meer dan 4 keer per week
Politiek: Geen
Onderwijs: Diploma
Religie: Christelijk
Inkomen: Minder dan $15.000
Bezetting: Did Not Say
Nakomelingen: Kinderen thuis
Persoonlijkheid: Humoristisch
Land: Philippines

Hello, my name is mary mariano, 59 years, widow with 3 professional children. I am a jolly person, easy to get along with, a retiree. I am a homebody, loves to cook and do all things inside my home, but not necessarily. My children are my treasure in life. I have done everything for them, sacrificed a lot to send them to college and finish their studies. Now, they have lives of their own. Its about time that I think of myself. I am looking for a life partner, to get married and spend the rest of my life with this man. Is it you?