I am a God loving and living person that have a compassionate and loving heart. I never move without a word for the Lord. My life moves around His will. Where the Lord is sends me I must go. Hes been

Mortyl212: hello...
Op zoek naar: Vrouw Leeftijd 40 naar 59
Status: 58 Gescheiden Recht Mannetje
Interesse in: Activiteiten partner
Afkomst: Blank
Living: dakloos
Blikvanger: Borst
Hoogte: 5'11 inches
Lichaam: Gemiddelde
Haar ogen: Zwart, Bruin
Rook: Echt niet
Drinken: Raak het nooit aan
Oefening 4 keer per week
Politiek: Liberaal
Onderwijs: No Answer
Religie: Christelijk
Inkomen: $85,001 tot $150.000
Nakomelingen: 1 kind
Persoonlijkheid: Verlegen
Land: United States

I am a God loving and living person that have a compassionate and loving heart. I never move without a word for the Lord. My life moves around His will. Where the Lord is sends me I must go. Hes been moving me into missionary outreach and I gladly answer that call. I am always going somewhere and doing something, So I hope that you will also share these feelings with me.

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