Single Male in United States, , Singles binnen Idaho, Payette Male

Seekingouttherightlady: whats out there for me?...
Op zoek naar: Vrouw Leeftijd 18 naar 50
Status: 76 Nooit getrouwd Recht Mannetje
Interesse in: Langetermijnrelatie
Afkomst: Multi-Racial
Living: Leef alleen
Blikvanger: Ogen
Hoogte: 5'5 inches
Lichaam: Gemiddelde
Haar ogen: Geen antwoord, Anders
Rook: Echt niet
Drinken: Raak het nooit aan
Oefening Soms
Politiek: Geen
Onderwijs: Diploma
Religie: Agnostisch
Inkomen: Minder dan $15.000
Bezetting: Social
Nakomelingen: Geen
Persoonlijkheid: Avontuurlijk
Land: United States

Well educated and well traveled. Very easily to get along with. I avoid arguments as much as possible. Would rather leave the scene than to continue to banter back and forth. Can get along with anyone no matter what their socioeconomic level. Love to do things at the spur of the moment. Enjoy an array of music, movies, food and literature. Enjoy spending time with family. Love to cook from scratch rather than frozen or canned goods. Try to take care of my health as much as possible and to continue to enrich my mind. Enjoy going on long walks and sitting cozy with the "right" one! Never been married nor do I have any children. I neither smoke nor drink.