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Hit me for dinner
im kate from florida....
44 / F / Hialeah Florida
Fear Not God is always there for yo
ask me and i will tell you...
38 / F / Hialeah Florida
It takes two to tango
simple laid back and willing lady who knows what she it takes to keep a re...
44 / F / Hialeah Florida
Hello there
i have wide interests i am here to meet my future husband i am hardworking ...
54 / F / Hialeah Florida
love is real
i i am hoping to meet new friends and soul-mate i can be funny and full of ...
47 / F / hialeah Florida
Love and be loved
i can describe myself as an attractive kind stable cheerful loving woma...
41 / F / Hialeah Florida
Girls Only
just get to know us. :)...
29 / F / Hialeah Florida